Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The Human Eye – when did it go wrong?

The human eye has long been a favourite among creationists as an example of an organ so complex it could not possibly have evolved into its present form.

The fact that it’s far from perfect, with its light receptors facing away from the light source, and as a consequence having a blind spot being created by the hole in the retina through which the optic nerve must pass, suggests anything but a divine design. But let’s put that aside and concede that God did indeed create the human eye, along with the rest of the human body obviously, six to ten thousand years ago.

And thus, the “if/then” switch in my brain is tripped…

Ask any bible-believing Christian why the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and they’ll tell you it’s because Adam and Eve fell for, what is not just metaphorically, the oldest trick in the book – the talking snake. Everything was perfect until that little bastard slithered his way into the garden. Everything including the design of the human eye.

So I am obliged to wonder – if it’s not perfect now, and never could have been considered so in its present form, did the actual physical structure of the eye change as a result of mankind’s fall from grace?

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